Integration of GOBIO ROBOT

  • europetechnologies
  • 1 November 2017

EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES, based in Pays de la Loire (France) and specialized in innovative services and processes for industries, announces the integration of GOBIO’s activities, company based in Carquefou (44) providing systems of physical assistance to operators (cobots, exoskeletons, …)

texte francaisJust one week after the announcement of the acquisition of SERVISOUD (24/10/2017), EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES group strengthens its external growth strategy by integrating, into its already wide panel, the activities of GOBIO.

“With joint customers in the aerospace, naval and automotive sectors, GOBIO placed itself on the theme of the reduction of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) when we brought these same customers automated or robotic solutions with our company GEBE2. In a certain way, our respective responses converged and shared the same objective: more repeatable and less painful “explains Patrick CHEPPE, CEO of EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES group. “Having noted the strong consideration of our customers to the working conditions of their own employees, the reduction of hardship is a major challenge for manufacturers, the integration of GOBIO is quite logical,” he says.

It is therefore within the subsidiary GEBE2, based in St Hilaire and Loulay, and expert in industrial robotic solutions, that the GOBIO team will continue its activities. “Our teams will reinforce each other,” says Didier BARBARIT, COO of GEBE2. “Some employees have already worked together on projects led by EMC2 or the PROXINNOV platform in which both GEBE2 and GOBIO are active”.

“To answer the strong demand of our customers, it was necessary to join a bigger structure capable of supporting our technological and commercial developments” underlines Benoît SAGOT-DUVAUROUX, director of GOBIO.

“In 2014, GEBE2 became a subsidiary of EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES. With our financial strength and the pooling of resources, the company has since doubled its turnover. We wish GOBIO the exact same destiny” concluded Patrick CHEPPE.

The company’s workforce is included in this external growth operation and GOBIO becomes a trademark of the GEBE2 subsidiary.


Created in 2014 and based in Carquefou (44), GOBIO employs 8 people and offers physical assistance solutions to the operator through exoskeletons, cobots and manipulator arms. Its offer is mainly aimed at the transport, logistics, food processing, construction and public works industries.