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LiftSuit IP03 ergoesqueleto de postura GOBIO

IP03 LiftSuit® - Posture ergoskeleton

Flyer available in French only IP03 LiftSuit® by AUXIVO is a posture ergoskeleton made from lightweight fabric. It relieves back and hip muscles when carrying objects or working in a forward-leaning position.

IP11 - Head support exoskeleton for overhead arm support

Flyer available in French only The IP11 model SKELEX is a lightweight, flexible headrest that helps reduce muscular pain in the neck and shoulders.

IP12 - Handling and assistance exoskeleton for work with overheads arms

Flyer available in French only  The IP12 Skelex is a lightweight, flexible and compact ergoskeleton designed for working with arms at height. It adapts to both static and mobile postures.

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